Transit Planning & Development
Tenco provides transit engineering and planning input at the earliest project stages, to help drive the project to deliver high quality transit service to help transform and develop and protect our cities and country. Planning capabilities include:
- Line and network modeling to establish performance goals and engineer robust fault tolerance and quick recovery from disruption
- Plans and programs to upgrade and apply new technology to existing lines, for CBTC, electrification of diesel lines, energy storage and efficiency, impact of fire protection regulations, new railcar fleets, renewal of existing structures, and expansion of capacity
- Pathways to highly productive Bus Rapid Transit and Electric Bus deployment
- Assessment of infrastructure alternatives, including tunnel, cut and cover, open cut, dedicated right of way, and elevated guideway alternatives, considering feasibility, cost, risks, and schedule
- On-time arrival targets, and application of a consistent set of RAM requirements through each stage of specification, procurement, implementation, and integration
- Work on Environmental Impact Reports and Studies, including evaluation of electromagnetic field impacts on sensitive adjacent land uses, and where needed, planning for special adaptations to mitigate impacts.
- Evaluation of impacts of alternative delivery methods, from Design-Bid-Build to PPP.
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Tenco planning work includes leading projects for expanding rail lines in the dense urban core, applying CBTC to existing and new lines, working to set the procurement specifications for PPP rail lines as extensions to existing lines, application of energy storage as a basic approach to energy resilience and cost control, and planning for conversion of bus fleets to electric charging in terminals and in-service along the route. Tenco modeling work includes entire new systems, lines, equipment, and specific technical interactions that crucially affect the plans.

Please contact us to explore how Tenco can support your project.